The NorthWoods Stewardship Center, working with the Vermont State Watershed Planner, Danielle Owczarski, and funded through the Northeast Vermont Development Association (NVDA), and 604(b) Water Quality funding from the VT Agency of Natural Resources, has completed key updates to the State of Vermont Watershed Projects Database. This database serves as a vital hub for planners and partner organizations such as municipalities and lake associations in identifying, funding, and completing needed watershed improvement projects.

Devin Straley, the Forestry & Conservation Science Intern at NorthWoods, completed work on the batch import file for the Upper Wells River Basin. As a result of this work, relevant data, such as name, location, funding sources, and priority ratings about potential and in-progress projects in this region, first assessed in 2016, are now accessible to the public and restoration professionals.

Identified sites in the database may be in need of pollution prevention, erosion control, stormwater improvements, or other treatments. Once completed, these project sites help to restore the health and quality of the waterways in Vermont for the human and natural communities which depend on them throughout the region.

You can check out the updated online Clean Water Dashboard tool by clicking here:

For questions or more information, please contact Meg Carter, Conservation Science Director,, (802) 723-6551 ext. 302