Spike Camp 2014

2016-12-13T19:12:03-05:00July 21st, 2014|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Each year, NorthWoods partners with the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge on conservation efforts throughout the Connecticut River watershed. Together, we field five Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crews on refuge lands at Conte’s Nulhegan Basin Division in Brunswick, VT; Pondicherry Division in Whitefield, NH; Fort River Division in Hadley MA; Stewart B. McKinney NWR in Westbrook, CT; and new this year, the Fannie Stebbins Unit in Springfield, MA. In July, all five crews gathered for the 10th annual YCC Spike Camp at the Fort River Division in Hadley, Massachusetts. In this annual tradition, crews [Read More...]