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WMC 2022 – Remembering Jean Haigh
By Ami English Two sleeps away from the 2022 Westmore Challenge and I am finally getting [Read More...]
Women’s Crew Digs in on NEK Trails
The Women's Crew has been making a splash as NorthWoods' newest local day crew, working on [Read More...]
Honeysuckle Removal Along the Black River
Over the past month, the Riparian Lands crew has been out conducting cut-stump treatments of invasive [Read More...]
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Land Acknowledgement
NorthWoods Stewardship Center respectfully acknowledges that we are on the ancestral territory of the Abenaki people – the first people of this land. The Clyde River Valley where NorthWoods is located was and remains an important link between the Memphremagog and Upper Connecticut River watersheds. Indigenous people from many nations live and work here today.
We recognize that acknowledgment is just the beginning of recognizing the history and future of indigenous people on this land.
Please join us in honoring their communities, their elders past and present, and future generations.