
1 08, 2017

Volunteers tackle invasives in East Burke

2017-08-01T15:51:08-04:00August 1st, 2017|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

A group of 15 people joined forces on a sunny, late July day to remove exotic invasive plants from the banks of the East Branch Passumpsic River in downtown East Burke. If you’ve visited RubyLee’s Ice Cream, East Burke Sports, or taken a dip in the river after biking at Kingdom Trails, you’ve probably seen the dense walls of vegetation along the river banks. What you may not have noticed is that this vegetation includes five invasive plant species – knotweed, shrub honeysuckle, common reed, glossy buckthorn, and burning bush – [Read More...]

27 06, 2017

Help Protect Our Trails

2017-06-27T15:52:48-04:00June 27th, 2017|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

NorthWoods needs your help to steward the trails in our 1,500 acre forest. Our Hopkins Hill Trail has become rutted from unauthorized ATVs and off-road vehicle use. While we recognize that off-roading is one way to enjoy the outdoors, recreational motorized vehicles are prohibited from trails on the NorthWoods property. This includes the trail extending from Hopkins Hill Rd (0.3 miles from the Tripp Hill Rd intersection) to Calhoun Rd (0.25 miles beyond last house on Calhoun Rd). Both ends of this trail (0.3 mile and 0.25 mile segments) are designated [Read More...]

27 06, 2017

Lumber for Sale

2017-07-24T13:08:18-04:00June 27th, 2017|Conservation Corps, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Sustainably harvested spruce-fir Rough-sawn Framing material (10-18 foot lengths) – 2x4 (sold out!) 2x6, 2x8, 3x6, and 6x6 (plenty in stock!) 2x10, 2x12, 4x4, 5x5, 7x7, and 8x8 (almost gone!) Boards – 1” thickness, various lengths/widths $0.60/BF for small quantities (up to 1000BF) $0.50/BF for larger quantities (over 1000BF) Also available – rough-sawn white pine countertops (for benches, bartops, etc.), 2.5” thick, 8-9’ long, up to ~25” wide. One live (bark) edge. $60 each (1-5 slabs) / $45 each (5+) Where does our lumber come from? This material was harvested from sustainably [Read More...]

19 06, 2017

2017 Youth Lake Tour

2017-06-19T15:07:24-04:00June 19th, 2017|Education, Highlights, News|

Smiling faces of the youngest sailors (preK from St. Paul's Catholic School) in the wheelhouse of the Northern Star. by Valerie Dillon, Memphremagog Watershed Association​ This was the third year an “educational twist” to a boat trip on Lake Memphremagog was offered to the 3rd graders of Orleans County. The 2017 adventure was courtesy of several sponsors: Mr. Tony Pomerleau (who generously started the youth tour program 5 years ago), North Country Hospital, Community National Bank, Passumpsic Savings Bank, and the Rotary Club of Newport. The Northern Star Vermont [Read More...]

18 05, 2017

Climate-Adapted Forestry with the NIACS

2017-05-18T13:25:08-04:00May 18th, 2017|Highlights, News|

In March we shared our plans to build climate change resilience in the Spitzer Demonstration Forest. You can now read about this ongoing initiative on the Climate Change Response Framework website, a project of the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science. Along with other demonstration projects covering millions of acres in 19 U.S. states, we'll be designing our forestry practices with a different future climate in mind. New climate projections, research, forest pests and other factors are keeping land managers on our toes; there's a wealth of information from the various [Read More...]

18 05, 2017

Greening Up Vermont

2017-05-18T12:39:23-04:00May 18th, 2017|Highlights, News|

Started 47 years ago, Green Up Day is a proud tradition in the state of Vermont. On the first Saturday in May, no matter the weather, community volunteers throughout the state head out to the rivers and roadsides to clean up discarded trash and litter. This year, as usual, NorthWoods staff and junior staff participated in the statewide effort, picking up litter along ~1/2 mile of East Echo Lake Road. We filled just 2 trash bags, a decrease from past years. Thanks to the Echo Lake community for keeping the neighborhood clean [Read More...]

1 05, 2017

Pavel Cenkl – Climate Run 2017 | Arctic Trail

2017-05-01T14:04:05-04:00May 1st, 2017|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Why run? For NorthWoods Trustee Pavel Cenkl, who will be undertaking a 12-day solo run across Arctic Scandinavia this summer, the answer has many elements. As the Associate Dean of Academics and Director of Athletics at Sterling College, Cenkl aims not only for athletic achievement but to teach, inspire, and help draw attention the effects of climate change as he travels along the 500-mile route which lies within the Arctic Circle. In 2015, Pavel ran a 3-day, 150-mile route south-to-north across Iceland, the first trek in his Climate Run series which aims [Read More...]

24 03, 2017

VT NonProfit Legislative Day

2017-03-24T11:10:58-04:00March 24th, 2017|Highlights, News|

Governor Phil Scott addresses the representatives of over fifty Vermont non-profit organizations. On March 23rd, NorthWoods Stewardship Center joined over fifty other social, political and environmental organizations for the 2017 Vermont NonProfit Legislative Day at the Statehouse in Montpelier. The event, hosted by CommonGood Vermont, was an opportunity to raise awareness about the important role of nonprofits in Vermont's communities, economy, and way of life. Topics included a briefing on the impact that the Federal Government has in the state and a discussion of new alternative funding solutions such [Read More...]

23 03, 2017

Preparing for Climate Change in the Spitzer Forest

2017-03-23T09:18:30-04:00March 23rd, 2017|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Think the weather's been a little funny lately? According to climate change predictions, we'd better get used to it! NorthWoods forestry staff took that to heart and recently completed the Forest Adaptation Planning and Practices training presented by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, US Forest Service, and USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub. During the seven-week program, we became well versed in the predicted climate impacts in northern Vermont and used the online NIACS Adaptation Workbook to create an action plan for the Lydia Spitzer Demonstration Forest at NorthWoods. Using [Read More...]

27 01, 2017

New USFWS Partnership Programs in 2017

2017-03-24T12:29:24-04:00January 27th, 2017|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Since 1999, NorthWoods Stewardship Center has had a long-standing partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to manage Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crews at National Wildlife Refuges across  New England. Nearly 20 years later, the partnership continues to offer great conservation career  opportunities at several new locations. This year, NorthWoods will manage a YCC Crew at the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Vermont and a YCC Crew Leader team at the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge in Downeast Maine. These crews are in addition to our current YCC crews at [Read More...]

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