
3 05, 2013

USFWS: Conservation Lessons in Vermont’s Northwoods

2016-12-13T19:12:20-05:00May 3rd, 2013|Education, Highlights, News|

How are local schoolchildren becoming involved with the management of wildlife refuges in northern Vermont? An article written by NorthWoods staff member Maria Young was recently featured in the US Fish and Wildlife Service's May/June issue of the Refuge Update and answers that question. Start reading below, then head on over to the Refuge Update. Hard at work with loppers, bow saw and a swing blade, an eighth–grader from Stratford, NH, paused to share the complexities of conservation work as he had begun to see them. “Last spring, we were planting [Read More...]

4 04, 2013

NorthWoods 2012 Annual Report

2016-12-13T19:12:21-05:00April 4th, 2013|Highlights, News|

Are you a NorthWoods supporter? Catch up on our events and achievements of the past year by reading the newly released 2012 Annual Report! "An exciting and productive year at NorthWoods came to an unfortunate close with the total loss of our heating plant building in a late November fire, just as winter temperatures were settling into northern Vermont. Though challenging to staff and operations, the loss offered a reminder of the value of occasional renewal and regeneration—a lesson taught daily in our forest classroom. The outpouring of support in building materials, volunteer labor, [Read More...]

11 02, 2013

2013 Summer Camps

2016-12-13T19:12:23-05:00February 11th, 2013|Education, Highlights|

Registration has opened for our 2013 Summer Camps! Are your kids ready for a season full of fun hiking, canoeing, research, learning and working with their hands? NorthWoods offers day and overnight camps, for ages 6-14. Check out our Camps & Expeditions page for more information about specific programs, or take a look at our handy printable brochure. Questions? Email Maria, or call (802) 723-6551 ext. 115.

29 07, 2012

Mapping the Upper Clyde River Watershed

2016-12-13T19:12:24-05:00July 29th, 2012|Highlights, News|

The Upper Clyde River wetlands are exceptional in terms of their diversity of natural communities and the many rare plant species found here. These wetlands also contribute to overall water quality by absorbing flood waters and filtering sediment and nutrient inputs from the surrounding uplands. In coordination with VT Agency of Natural Resources, NVDA, and area landowners, NorthWoods has completed a two-year mapping project of the upper wetlands, issuing the Clyde River Wetlands Natural Community Mapping Project Final Report. The report summarizes survey work, details types and condition of community types [Read More...]

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