
10 02, 2014

NorthWoods Earns Recognition as a Certified Tree Farm

2016-12-13T19:12:11-05:00February 10th, 2014|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights|

In January 2014, the 1,480-acre Spitzer Demonstration Forest at NorthWoods was accepted into the American Tree Farm System as a certified tree farm. This status recognizes forest management that meets a variety of requirements to ensure that values such as forest health, wildlife habitat, water quality, soils, and timber quality are protected and enhanced. This management is verified by trained foresters that monitor activities on each certified parcel every 5-10 years, and by third-party audits that verify compliance on a sample of tree farms in each state every year. Organized in 1941, the [Read More...]

10 02, 2014

Orleans County Forester – Passing of the Torch

2014-02-10T13:31:47-05:00February 10th, 2014|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

The NorthWoods Stewardship Center in East Charleston is pleased to host an Orleans County Forester meet and greet on Thursday, February 13th at 5pm. Jared Nunery was recently hired by the Vermont Department of Forest, Parks, and Recreation to serve as the first county forester dedicated to Orleans County since the late George Buzzell retired in 2009. In the interim this role has been ably filled by Ray Toolan, who shouldered duties for both Orleans and Lamoille counties. Both Ray and Jared will be on hand at this brief gathering to describe [Read More...]

10 02, 2014

NorthWoods Gets a Makeover!

2016-12-13T19:12:11-05:00February 10th, 2014|Highlights, News|

NorthWoods is getting a makeover thanks to the generous folks at The Carpet Connection, Lyndonville Hardware and woodworker Paule Rowe. The Carpet Connection donated carpet for the entire office area, and Lyndonville Hardware donated paint for the office and main lodge interiors. In addition to the new floor and walls, we'll now be gathering for meetings around a beautiful new cherry-veneer conference table, crafted and donated by Paul Rowe of West Burke. It looks great, and we hope you'll find an opportunity to check it out soon!  

19 12, 2013

Rally on Burke Mountain February 9th

2016-12-13T19:12:11-05:00December 19th, 2013|Education, Highlights, News|

Sunday, February 9th, 8:30 Mass Start Race Class: A USSMA sanctioned Category II race, which includes: 4,300 feet vertical gain, 1 boot pack, lengthy skins and 7 transitions, including mass start dash to skis. Descent includes trees, black diamond trails, and bumps as well as groomed surfaces. Course map available above or at www.skiburke.com. Recreation Class: 2,000 foot skin to summit and finish at Base Lodge.Award Ceremony: 11:00 am at Sherburne Base Lodge w/ après race snacks Prizes awarded for speed, spirit, and participation. Registration: 7:30 am at Sherburne Base Lodge Pre-registration: Contact [Read More...]

19 12, 2013

Conservation Skills for Brighton Afterschool

2016-12-13T19:12:11-05:00December 19th, 2013|Conservation Corps, Education, Highlights, News|

Students in Brighton's afterschool program had the opportunity to join NorthWoods for a Conservation Skills program held at NorthWoods These students visited NorthWoods, and gained an introduction to the skills and lessons of conservation work.  Conservation Assistant Tim Lancaster modeled a day in the life of a Conservation Corps member, from tool safety and maintenance to the lore, legend, and safe use of an axe, and helped them work as a team to construct a small bridge on the Lang Brook Trail. Education Director Maria Young helped them practice with a crosscut saw, [Read More...]

18 12, 2013

Setting the Stage for a New Bunkhouse

2016-12-13T19:12:11-05:00December 18th, 2013|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Two weeks of hard work in preparation for our new bunkhouse, viewable from the comfort of your armchair! Can you guess how many times it snowed in early November this year? (We lost track...) With a heap of locally-sourced logs and Dan Martin of Martin Sawmilling & Poultry Processing (Sheffield, VT) sawing up a storm, we managed to stack nearly 15,000 board feet of spruce/fir lumber on our landing before the heavy snow came. Look for these stacks to be transformed into our newest facility in spring of 2014! (To see [Read More...]

18 12, 2013

State and Local Grants will support NorthWoods in 2014

2016-12-13T19:12:13-05:00December 18th, 2013|Conservation Corps, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Commissioner Michael Obuchowski of the Vermont Department of Buildings & General Services presents Ross Stevens with the grant award NorthWoods new bunkhouse received an added boost in the form of a grant from the Building Communities Grants Program of the Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services. Conservation Service Corps Director Ross Stevens gathered with Governor Shumlin, state legislators, community leaders, and grant awardees from around the state for a December ceremony at the statehouse in celebration. The grant to NorthWoods provides $15,000 toward the construction of the 20-person [Read More...]

11 12, 2013

Bald Mountain Cabin Restored

2016-12-13T19:12:14-05:00December 11th, 2013|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Over a century ago, following several devastating forest fires, Vermont’s governor appointed the first Forest Commissioner and laid the foundation for a forest fire lookout system that would span the entire state and include 38 lookout stations. This fall, the Bald Mountain summit cabin in Westmore—one of Vermont’s oldest lookout stations—was restored thanks to a grant from the Vermont Land and Facilities Trust Fund. The original summit cabin and fire lookout tower on Bald Mountain (then known as Westmore Mountain) date back to the early 1920s when lookout stations were also [Read More...]

26 07, 2013

New Trail in the NorthWoods Forest

2016-12-13T19:12:20-05:00July 26th, 2013|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

NorthWoods Crew members didn’t waste any time starting their season, and used their training week to add nearly a ½ mile of trail to the NorthWoods network. Building on existing trails and logging roads, the new trail weaves among boulders and a variety of forest types on the north side of Tripp Hill, providing access to one of our three Forestry for the Birds demonstration sites - a collaborative effort with Audubon Vermont and the Vermont Land Trust to show how timber management can also enhance songbird habitat. Our trail network [Read More...]

10 07, 2013

2013 Corps Season Kicks Off!

2016-12-13T19:12:20-05:00July 10th, 2013|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

The NorthWoods Conservation Corps annually employs youth ages 14-18 to tackle priority conservation projects from northern Vermont to coastal New England. Our 2013 Corps program kicked off with crew leader training the week of June 17, commencing trail, wildlife, and river conservation projects on publicly accessible land around the region, including Bluff Mountain and Holland Pond areas, Willoughby State Forest, and the Silvio O. Conte and Stewart B. McKinney federal wildlife refuge systems. For nearly twenty summers, the NorthWoods Conservation Corps has employed youth on service projects in their local communities, providing on-the-job training to 1080 individuals to date. [Read More...]

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