
15 10, 2018

2018 Westmore Mountain Challenge Results!

2019-10-04T13:00:32-04:00October 15th, 2018|Highlights, News|

We are pleased to announce the second annual Westmore Mountain Challenge was a success!! For this year's event, Forests, Parks & Recreation extended our permit to 150 participants, which sold out by August. The conditions were pretty rough for hikers on Saturday in the AM with temperatures in the 30s and 40s, light rain in the low elevations and snow on the mountain tops, but the sun peeked out in the afternoon. This year the official finish was the full 26 mile marathon length from the drop-off at Moose Mountain [Read More...]

4 10, 2018

Local Businesses Sponsor Westmore Mountain Challenge

2018-10-04T12:41:53-04:00October 4th, 2018|Highlights, News|

We are very lucky to have a wonderfully supportive community of businesses and individuals who have helped make the Westmore Mountain Challenge possible. Some have donated funds, others gift certificates and merchandise to help supply the challenge and offer prizes to participants. Here are photos of just a few of the great prizes coming to our Challenge participants: Tour headwear from Skida, socks from Darn Tough, jackets from Outdoor Gear Exchange, and soothing lotions from Bag Balm! Thank you to our Sponsors! Our [Read More...]

27 09, 2018

Searching for Amphibians in the Demonstration Forest

2018-09-27T09:57:24-04:00September 27th, 2018|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Earlier this month, the Sustainable Forestry Interns took a break from running chainsaws to join herpetologist Jim Andrews on his search to document the species currently found in Vermont, town by town. The day we met Jim, he was on a mission to document some of the species thought to be living in Morgan, VT. After driving to the NorthWoods Demonstration Forest access in Morgan, we gathered with Jim and two volunteers to hear our goal for the day. Jim started by explaining the habitat that we were looking for, "Most herps prefer hardwood forests, and plenty of downed wood. That's mostly found in older [Read More...]

25 09, 2018

Sentinel Rock & Burke Mountain ADA Trails

2018-10-25T12:26:23-04:00September 25th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

The NorthWoods Conservation Corps has completed their trail work at Sentinel Rock State Park. As of now, the park has a 240’ Universal Access trail that spurs from the glacial erratic. From the ADA trail, there’s a small footpath that leads to the lower parking area and a brand new trail that leads to the wooded, multi-use trails. The footpath in the meadow crosses wet areas on bog bridges past an old birch tree with scenic views of Lake Willoughby and the glacial erratic in the distance. The “lollipop loop” through [Read More...]

23 09, 2018

Nominations for 6th Annual Buzzell Award

2018-09-23T12:52:04-04:00September 23rd, 2018|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

NorthWoods Stewardship Center is pleased to accept nominations for the sixth annual George Buzzell Forest Stewardship Award. In honor of the esteemed county forester for which it is named, this award recognizes an individual who is making a positive impact on Northeast Kingdom forests. An award ceremony will be held at the NorthWoods Stewardship Center on Tuesday, December 11, 2018. During his 44 years as Orleans County Forester, George Buzzell exemplified the best practice of his trade, including research that helped to re-define sugarbush management in Vermont. George also cast a [Read More...]

15 09, 2018

2018 Sustainable Forestry Interns Join the Team

2018-10-25T12:58:34-04:00September 15th, 2018|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

The beginning of September may not have brought a change from summer to fall weather, but it did mark the beginning of another field season at NorthWoods. Our fall Sustainable Forestry Internship kicked off just a few weeks ago, and we're excited to welcome Ariana, Matt and Trevor to the team! This 12-week program has started off with a mix of seasonally-appropriate projects, and this hard working crew has already thinned 5+ acres of young hardwoods in the Demonstration Forest, treated over an acre of invasive common reed (Phragmites australis) for [Read More...]

11 09, 2018

New Steward”ship” at NorthWoods

2018-09-11T15:15:49-04:00September 11th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Happy Birthday Northwoods! While we celebrate 29 years of commitment to the care and well-being of Northern Forest communities, our steward“ship” does not stop here. On the contrary, the needs of our human and natural communities are greater than ever before. On this occasion, NorthWoods is revamping its “ship”, strengthening itself to further meet the needs of the present and for generations to come. NorthWoods is delighted to welcome Jonathan Gilbert as our new Executive Director. He joined our team of stewards with the necessary skills to strengthen and further our [Read More...]

27 08, 2018

Universal Access Trails at Moose Bog and Sentinel Rock

2018-08-27T12:49:22-04:00August 27th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Highlights|

The NorthWoods crew finished up a grueling three weeks of hauling Sta-mat with wheelbarrows to complete a Universal Access trail at Moose Bog, in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. From the existing Wenlock Wildlife Management Area kiosk and parking lot, the crew cut a new 0.1-mile section of trail connecting to the existing Moose Bog trail. They widened the existing trail to a minimum of 36” for wheelchair accessibility and built ten rest areas about 200’ apart along the trail. The crew hauled more than 1,000 tons of Sta-mat [Read More...]

27 08, 2018

Summer Camp Reflections 2018

2018-08-27T15:56:10-04:00August 27th, 2018|Education, Highlights, News|

As the summer winds to a close, lets look back at a few of the fun times had by campers and staff, learning how to paddle on the Clyde, brave a first overnight, tackle a low ropes course, and more. Earth Sisters Tackle Jay by Jessica Weston The summer camps season is always a busy one filled with adventure, excitement, and of course happy giggling children. I found it helpful to pause and reflect in my down time to remember some of the highlights from the summer before they all [Read More...]

15 08, 2018

New Hunting & Angling Workshop Series Kicks Off

2018-08-15T10:54:16-04:00August 15th, 2018|Education, Highlights, News|

NorthWoods Stewardship Center (NWSC) and the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Conservation Group (VFWCG) are excited to announce Modern Traditions in Hunting and Angling, a workshop series kicking off this September. The upcoming workshops give equal weight to “the old ways” – traditions in hunting and angling that include a deep connection with the land and wildlife – as well as a modern approach and understanding of the role that hunting and fishing have in conservation and our communities today. While the mission and community of both non-profit organizations have often covered [Read More...]

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