Forest Stewardship Institute

29 01, 2021

Surveying Native Vermont Lady Beetles

2021-02-09T12:31:33-05:00January 29th, 2021|Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Science|

The following is an article by Julia Pupko, Community Science Outreach Naturalist at the Vermont Center for EcoStudies. -- What do you think of when you imagine a ladybug (aka lady beetle)? Is it red with black spots? For years, this was the only image that came to mind when I thought about lady beetles. Furthermore, I had no idea how many different lady beetle species exist, and that the only species I was familiar with was the invasive Asian Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis)–the species that commonly congregates in people’s homes [Read More...]

29 01, 2021

Slow the Spread of EAB, in Vermont and Beyond

2021-01-29T16:33:23-05:00January 29th, 2021|Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

As the emerald ash borer (EAB) continues to spread through the northeast, and as federal restrictions on movement of ash tree products are being loosened, NorthWoods encourages you to follow guidelines for slowing the spread of EAB. Your actions as a landowner, logger, forester, arborist, fireplace aficionado can make a positive difference in the health of our forests. Keep reading for NorthWoods alumni Galen Wilbur's real-world experience with EAB management (nice work, Galen!), as well as recommendations from the State of Vermont to help Slow the Spread of EAB. EAB is [Read More...]

1 10, 2020

Welcoming our 2020 Fall Sustainable Forestry Interns

2020-10-01T14:22:37-04:00October 1st, 2020|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

This fall we welcomed another set of new faces to our Sustainable Forestry Internship program, led by FSI Director, Sam Perron. During this 6-week session, interns learn and work alongside staff on forestry, conservation, habitat management and landowner outreach projects. This year's interns have been performing invasive plant control, practicing pre-commercial thinning and low-impact tractor logging, performing wildlife habitat and landscape-level ecological assessments, tree planting, firewood processing, and landowner consulting. Alex DeRoehn - Alex was born and raised in the Northeast Kingdom before attending the University [Read More...]

1 07, 2020

Forest Landowners of the NEK

2020-07-01T13:32:53-04:00July 1st, 2020|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Who is responsible for stewarding Vermont’s forests? We all play a part, but when the rubber meets the road (or leaf litter), it’s YOU, the individual forest landowners, who care for most of our state’s forested land. At NorthWoods, we’ve known this for years, and the results of our recent Forest Landowner Survey reinforced this. Keep reading to hear some of the insights and statistics from 27 landowners who responded to the survey. (if you would like to participate, the survey is still open! Click here to start!) Landowners who [Read More...]

26 02, 2020

Allen Yale to Receive 7th Annual George Buzzell Forest Stewardship Award

2020-02-26T13:26:00-05:00February 26th, 2020|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

The NorthWoods Stewardship Center is pleased to announce that Allen Yale of Derby, VT will receive the 7th annual George Buzzell Forest Stewardship Award. The award is given to a person who has made significant contributions to sustainable forestry and education in the Northeast Kingdom. For decades, Yale has demonstrated his commitment to sustainable forest management and education. His career as a high school teacher and college professor, combined with experience managing his own woodland in Derby, VT have led Yale to become a dedicated volunteer, working closely with North Country [Read More...]

30 08, 2019

FSI Secures Grant Funding for Habitat Improvement

2019-08-30T12:55:33-04:00August 30th, 2019|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

The Forest Stewardship Institute at NorthWoods Stewardship Center was pleased to recently be chosen as a grant recipient by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's New England Forests & Rivers Fund. The $53,000 grant will allow our forestry staff to engage private forest landowners in Northeastern Vermont. The funds will allow us to evaluate landscape- and natural community-level conservation priorities on their lands using the Vermont Conservation Design and other existing data to identify priority habitats and appropriate strategies to benefit multiple species. This will include the restoration of 3,000 acres [Read More...]

28 06, 2019

Walking your Woodlot

2019-06-28T10:54:42-04:00June 28th, 2019|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Summer is here! A long time coming, but with the snow and cold weather becoming things-of-the-past,June is a perfect time for a walk in the woods. Native wildflowers, trees and shrubs are in bloom (including the lady slipper in the photo, a striking native orchid that we found in the forest understory while walking with a landowner). Migratory songbirds have made their way back to Vermont to enjoy the summer weather, and you may have heard them singing, especially in the early morning hours. Wildlife of all shapes and sizes [Read More...]

27 06, 2019

Friends in the News: Al Robertson Tree Farmer of the Year

2019-06-27T12:36:40-04:00June 27th, 2019|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Congratulations to Al Robertson for being named 2019 Vermont Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year! This award is given annually by the Vermont Tree Farm Program, and we are excited to hear that Al is this year's awardee. In addition to decades of actively managing his Tree Farm in Sheffield, VT, and his contributions as a member of the Vermont Woodlands Association board and the Vermont State's Private Lands Advisory Committee, Al has been a friend of NorthWoods for many years. Al served on the NorthWoods board from 2012 through 2015 [Read More...]

30 04, 2019

Ask Oberon: Knocking for Love

2019-04-30T09:57:42-04:00April 30th, 2019|Ask Oberon, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Dear Oberon, Why do woodpeckers keep pecking on my metal roof and stovepipe where there aren’t any bugs? Sincerely, Bang Bang Bang Dear Bang Bang Bang, Your pseudonym is more apt than you know. I’m no ornithologist or melittologist, but I can tell you that the answer to your question involves both birds and bees. The period between Late April and the end of May is the woodpecker’s usual mating season. During mating season, male woodpeckers have discovered that hitting their beaks on pieces of metal makes the sound of their [Read More...]

24 01, 2019

Ask Oberon: Who Cooks for You?

2019-01-24T15:00:34-05:00January 24th, 2019|Ask Oberon, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Dear Oberon, Mine is a two-part question. How did you come to live at NorthWoods, and why is your name Oberon? Thanks, Who Are You Dear Who Are You, Thanks for asking! “Who am I?” is a question that has stumped owl philosophers for many moons, as I’m sure it has the human variety. While delving deeply into this question on a metaphysical level may cover the pages of several books and screenplays, in order to answer this question in the form of a letter, I will simply give you my [Read More...]

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