Forest Stewardship Institute

13 09, 2022

Seeding Conservation – Staff Highlight: Jessica Colby

2023-08-23T10:11:14-04:00September 13th, 2022|Conservation science, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Riparian Lands, Science, Staff|

Jess Colby knew since she was a kid that she wanted to work in conservation. Currently working as our Riparian Projects & Forestry Outreach Coordinator, Jess brings expertise from her degree at UVM, plus years working and volunteering with various conservation agencies and organizations to her work at NorthWoods in riparian restoration work and wildlife conservation.  One of her early introductions to the world of conservation was working with NorthWoods' YCC crew at the Pondicherry division of the Silvio O Conte NFWR as a teenager. "I've always been pretty set on [Read More...]

1 08, 2022

Honeysuckle Removal Along the Black River

2023-08-23T10:11:26-04:00August 1st, 2022|Conservation science, Forest Stewardship Institute, News, Riparian Lands, Watersheds|

Over the past month, the Riparian Lands crew has been out conducting cut-stump treatments of invasive honeysuckle along the Black River at the South Bay Wildlife Management Area in Coventry, VT. Vermont has four invasive species of honeysuckles, all of which are deciduous shrubs with opposite, egg-shaped leaves and have hollow piths - easily shown by cutting a twig off the shrub with a knife. By leafing out earlier and retaining leaves later, honeysuckle (like other invasive species) has a competitive advantage over native vegetation and easily forms dense thickets that [Read More...]

29 06, 2022

Seed Collection Continues!

2023-08-23T10:11:35-04:00June 29th, 2022|Conservation science, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Riparian Lands, Science|

With the seeds of spring-dispersed species ripening and falling throughout the past month, the Riparian Lands crew has had plenty of work to do, collecting, processing, storing, and broadcasting native tree seeds for a direct seeding project in partnership with Vermont Fish and Wildlife and the Connecticut River Conservancy. Silver maple was the main focal species for collection, with the goal of restoring a plot of land within the Johnson Farms WMA from hayfield to silver maple floodplain. Previously, the project area was mowed, treated with herbicide to control invasive reed [Read More...]

27 06, 2022

Bird Friendly Forestry

2022-06-29T12:14:59-04:00June 27th, 2022|Conservation science, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Science|

This June the Forest Stewardship Institute at NorthWoods assisted in organizing two birding events to educate the public on the importance of bird habitat in Vermont, how land managers can work to create and manage important habitat features, and how to identify birds by sight and sound. The Audubon Vermont’s Birders Dozen was used as a framework to talk about the importance of forest habitat variety in Vermont. The dozen species listed by Audubon cover the breadth of forest types generally needed for the 40 forest birds identified in the Audubon [Read More...]

13 05, 2022

Building Resistance to Dutch Elm Disease

2022-05-13T12:11:16-04:00May 13th, 2022|Conservation science, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Science|

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the United States Forest Service (USFS), along with many other partners, have been working to restore the American Elm (Ulmus americana) to its historical range and prominence on the landscape. NorthWoods has been fortunate to collaborate on this work in Vermont. The focus is on creating a genetically diverse population that is resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Dutch Elm Disease (DED), which made its way to the US in the 1930s, has decimated elm populations across the country. While some of us may have seen these [Read More...]

24 02, 2022

Timber Harvesting with Wildlife Habitat in Mind

2022-02-24T16:35:21-05:00February 24th, 2022|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Strapping on snowshoes and bundling up for a cold afternoon out in the woods, landowners residing within the Bean Brook watershed in Newark met earlier this month to tour a recently completed timber harvest. County Forester, Matt Langlais, led participants in discussions with the consulting forester for the harvest, Charlie Stabolepszy (F&W Forestry), about the various goals, thoughtful planning, and process that were key to setting up and making this timber harvest a successful one. During the tour, participants were able to see various wildlife habitat (snags, downed wood, and [Read More...]

10 11, 2021

Winter Ahead! Trail News & Updates

2021-11-10T12:59:36-05:00November 10th, 2021|Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Trail Reports|

Winter Ahead: Here’s to the woolly bears, Farmers Alamanac and La Nina forecasters – we join you in predicting / hoping for a bountiful winter ahead! Cue up the snow, and the winter magic… Trail access is open to the public, by donation. Brighton, Charleston and Morgan residents are encouraged to use our trails for free. Our lodge will not be open to the public, as it is busy for school groups throughout the week and closed on weekends, except for special events. However, trail users are welcome at any time; [Read More...]

17 08, 2021

Habitat for Wood Turtles

2021-08-17T15:06:22-04:00August 17th, 2021|Conservation science, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

(Photo by Kiley Briggs of the Orianne Society) What species do you tend to think of when you hear the term “wildlife habitat”? Do you think of moose, deer, and bear? Do you think of birds? What about reptiles and amphibians? Most landowners probably think more about the first two options. The charismatic big game species and the beautiful songbirds definitely draw people’s interest. This summer, NorthWoods has been conducting wildlife habitat assessments on private properties throughout the Northeast Kingdom. These assessments look at the overall wildlife value of a property [Read More...]

26 02, 2021

Help Protect VT Forests this Winter

2021-02-26T17:09:00-05:00February 26th, 2021|Conservation science, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

As you hit the trails this winter, take a close look at Vermont's forests. Some trees are threatened by invasive forest insects, and in some places, you might be the only one to spot them!  The three pests to be on the lookout for when exploring our forests are the emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, and Asian longhorned beetle. If you see signs of any of these pests, take photos, snag the GPS location and report your findings using the REPORT IT link at  Emerald Ash Borer The emerald [Read More...]

26 02, 2021

Celebrating Buzzell Forest Stewardship Award Winners Virtually

2021-02-26T13:01:52-05:00February 26th, 2021|Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

In honor of the esteemed county forester for which it is named, the George Buzzell Forest Stewardship Award recognizes individuals who are making a positive impact on Northeast Kingdom forests. During his 44 years as Orleans County Forester, George Buzzell exemplified the best practice of his trade, including research that helped to re-define sugarbush management in Vermont. George also cast a welcoming net–encouraging education and inviting the widest community into the conversation and practice of forestry. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic last spring, we unfortunately had to postpone [Read More...]

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