Conservation Corps

25 10, 2018

Bluff Ridge Bridges & Burke Brush Ups

2018-10-25T14:10:40-04:00October 25th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

At the beginning of October the Fall Corps crew was at Burke summit, spending a week converting the Vista Trail on the summit of Burke into a Universal Access Trail (UA). This small spur trail looks south into Victory State forest and Kirby Mountain and is now usable by people of all mobilities. While on Burke they spent a second week working on the Summit Trail and the Profile Trail, brushing them both back and cleaning trail drainages. They also jacked up and leveled the West Peak trail CCC lean-to [Read More...]

25 09, 2018

Sentinel Rock & Burke Mountain ADA Trails

2018-10-25T12:26:23-04:00September 25th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

The NorthWoods Conservation Corps has completed their trail work at Sentinel Rock State Park. As of now, the park has a 240’ Universal Access trail that spurs from the glacial erratic. From the ADA trail, there’s a small footpath that leads to the lower parking area and a brand new trail that leads to the wooded, multi-use trails. The footpath in the meadow crosses wet areas on bog bridges past an old birch tree with scenic views of Lake Willoughby and the glacial erratic in the distance. The “lollipop loop” through [Read More...]

11 09, 2018

New Steward”ship” at NorthWoods

2018-09-11T15:15:49-04:00September 11th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Happy Birthday Northwoods! While we celebrate 29 years of commitment to the care and well-being of Northern Forest communities, our steward“ship” does not stop here. On the contrary, the needs of our human and natural communities are greater than ever before. On this occasion, NorthWoods is revamping its “ship”, strengthening itself to further meet the needs of the present and for generations to come. NorthWoods is delighted to welcome Jonathan Gilbert as our new Executive Director. He joined our team of stewards with the necessary skills to strengthen and further our [Read More...]

27 08, 2018

Universal Access Trails at Moose Bog and Sentinel Rock

2018-08-27T12:49:22-04:00August 27th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Highlights|

The NorthWoods crew finished up a grueling three weeks of hauling Sta-mat with wheelbarrows to complete a Universal Access trail at Moose Bog, in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. From the existing Wenlock Wildlife Management Area kiosk and parking lot, the crew cut a new 0.1-mile section of trail connecting to the existing Moose Bog trail. They widened the existing trail to a minimum of 36” for wheelchair accessibility and built ten rest areas about 200’ apart along the trail. The crew hauled more than 1,000 tons of Sta-mat [Read More...]

24 07, 2018

Dolloff Pond Access Gets a Makeover

2018-07-24T14:40:15-04:00July 24th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

The access points to South Dolloff Pond in Sutton have received a makeover to help reduce erosion and improve water quality. The Dolloff Ponds are small, shallow ponds located in the Willoughby State Forest within the Town of Sutton and managed by the Vermont Department of Forest, Parks, & Recreation. The ponds are interconnected with a 69-acre wetland in the headwaters of the West Branch Passumpsic River Watershed. The NorthWoods Stewardship Center Watershed Crew completed the project on July 4th, partnering with the VT Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation and the [Read More...]

13 06, 2018

New Stormwater Strategic Plan released for the Memphremagog Watershed

2018-06-14T11:25:13-04:00June 13th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Some great news from the Stormwater Collaborative, of which NorthWoods is a member organization: Since December of 2017, a group of local organizations, municipalities, and State agencies have been working together and recently completed a Stormwater Strategic Plan for the Memphremagog watershed. This group, known as the Stormwater Collaborative, was initiated at the Leahy Summit at the Echo Center in Burlington and funded through a grant from the High Meadows Fund. “Given the numerous sources of stormwater runoff and our large geographic area, establishing this collaborative is paramount to improving the [Read More...]

11 05, 2018

Building Resilience: Cenkl’s 2018 VT Climate Run

2018-05-11T18:08:36-04:00May 11th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Our friend and board member Pavel Cenkl is doing it again! In 2015 he ran his first Climate Run - 240km across Iceland from south to north. In 2017 he ran a grueling path on the Arctic Trail through northern Scandinavia. And this summer, he will be bringing climate resilience and awareness close to home with a 500 mile trek, biking down the full length of the state of Vermont in a single day, then running back north via the Long Trail. On June 20th, 2018, Pavel will tackle the [Read More...]

1 05, 2018

GOL: Hands-on Learning and Competition in the Woods

2018-05-01T14:50:59-04:00May 1st, 2018|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

This past weekend we hosted our annual spring Game of Logging workshop at NorthWoods. The Game of Logging (GOL) is a chainsaw skills and safety training curriculum developed in the 1960s by Swedish logger and instructor Soren Eriksson, focusing on small hands-on group learning and friendly competition to instill successful chainsaw techniques, felling strategies and safety practices. GOL is one of the most popular adult workshops we host, with multiple yearly workshops nearly always selling out well in advance of the event. GOL can only be taught by certified instructors, [Read More...]

16 04, 2018

Mud Season and What To Do About It

2018-04-16T13:34:31-04:00April 16th, 2018|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Mud season has arrived. For many of us that means an extended period of wearing rubber boots and a lingering feeling of concern (or perhaps adventure!) everytime we get in the car for our daily commute across some of Vermont's roughly 8,000 miles of unpaved dirt roads, now ridged into a potentially car-eating quagmire thanks to thawing ground and melting snow. But mud season also means spring -- warmer weather, the first migratory bird arrivals like warblers and red-winged blackbirds, and the emergence of beautiful forest ephemerals like Spring Beauty, [Read More...]

29 03, 2018

Grooming Season Comes to a Close

2018-03-29T13:05:10-04:00March 29th, 2018|Highlights, News, Trail Reports|

With the end of the 2018 ski season fast approaching, trail grooming has been suspended for the Willoughby State Forest and NorthWoods Stewardship Center trails. Thank you so much for your support this season and a special thanks to the NEKBC for bringing a new user group to the Willoughby State Forest trail system. Trails will remain open until mud season begins, so enjoy the last of the skiing while you can! If you have enjoyed the use of these trails this season, please consider making a donation to support their [Read More...]

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