Conservation Corps

24 10, 2014

New Partnership with VT Backcountry Alliance

2016-12-13T19:12:01-05:00October 24th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Education, Highlights, News|

With winter right around the corner, NorthWoods is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Vermont Backcountry Alliance -- a working group of the Catamount Trail Association (CTA) dedicated to advancing responsible backcountry skiing and snowboarding in Vermont. With a strong tradition of nordic and backcountry skiing programs, NorthWoods will lend its northern perspective to this emerging group and help raise awareness for backcountry management issues across the northern tier of Vermont. For more information, visit and stay tuned for news on up-coming winter programs at NorthWoods. On Thursday, Nov 6th [Read More...]

17 10, 2014

Fort River Birding and Nature Trail Opening

2016-12-13T19:12:01-05:00October 17th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Fort River Crew October 25th will mark the official opening of the Fort River Birding and Nature Trail at the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge in Hadley, Massachusetts. This trail has been the home base of the NorthWoods Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Fort River Crew for the past three summers and site of the Corps' annual "Spike Camp" - a week long event that gathers all NorthWoods/USFWS partnership crews from five states for training, team building and an all-crew project. The Fort River trail (and crew) [Read More...]

19 09, 2014

Partnering with Lyndon State

2016-12-13T19:12:02-05:00September 19th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

On August 24th, 43 first-year students and their instructors from Lyndon State College completed a service project to help NorthWoods get ready for the seasons ahead. Working alongside NorthWoods staff, volunteers cleared brush and performed maintenance on NorthWoods' Leadership Trail, stained the entrance deck, and stacked more than three cords of firewood to fuel our new energy-efficient wood boiler. Thank you, LSC! We wish you a great year. Also at LSC, eighteen lucky students will study the Wilderness Mind this fall, under the guidance of Adjunct Faculty member and NorthWoods' Trails [Read More...]

9 09, 2014

There go Tim & Anika!

2016-12-13T19:12:02-05:00September 9th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News, Staff|

  While the early signs of Fall are emerging around the NorthWoods campus, there are some glaring absences for those of us who make our home or have a habit of visiting here. I have been looking everywhere for flip flops tossed aside by Anika in a barefoot pursuit of some natural wonder, and I've been straining my ears to hear the notes of a ragtime tune played by Tim on his way through the lodge.  In August, Tim and Anika completed their two year terms, representing the 18th [Read More...]

21 07, 2014

Senator Bernie Sanders Thanks NorthWoods

2016-12-13T19:12:03-05:00July 21st, 2014|Conservation Corps, Education, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

We are excited to have received a letter from US Senator to Vermont, Bernie Sanders, recognizing and thanking NorthWoods and the Conservation Corps for twenty years of service to the environment. Thanks Bernie! Check out the original, or read the transcript, below.   Dear Ross and the Conservation Corps Team: I would like to offer my congratulations to the Conservation Corps on the reception of the Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence from Governor Peter Shumlin. This award signifies the outstanding work that the Conservation Corps has done to provide Vermont's youth with [Read More...]

21 07, 2014

Spike Camp 2014

2016-12-13T19:12:03-05:00July 21st, 2014|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Each year, NorthWoods partners with the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge on conservation efforts throughout the Connecticut River watershed. Together, we field five Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crews on refuge lands at Conte’s Nulhegan Basin Division in Brunswick, VT; Pondicherry Division in Whitefield, NH; Fort River Division in Hadley MA; Stewart B. McKinney NWR in Westbrook, CT; and new this year, the Fannie Stebbins Unit in Springfield, MA. In July, all five crews gathered for the 10th annual YCC Spike Camp at the Fort River Division in Hadley, Massachusetts. In this annual tradition, crews [Read More...]

28 05, 2014

Tree Planting 2014!

2016-12-13T19:12:04-05:00May 28th, 2014|Conservation Corps|

The NorthWoods Conservation Corps recently completed its Spring Tree planting projects. A total of 4,138 trees and shrubs were planted on 13.75 acres of riparian buffer. Planting of trees and shrubs along streams, rivers, lakes and ponds provides a variety of beneficial results including slowing erosion, filtering pollutants, lowering maintaining water temperatures and providing both aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Projects were completed on Leach Stream and the Connecticut River in Canaan Vermont, the Black River in Coventry Vermont and the Ompompanoosic River in West Fairlee, Vermont. A number of partners and [Read More...]

6 05, 2014

Ottawa Outdoors: Two Canadians Volunteer in the NEK

2016-12-13T19:12:09-05:00May 6th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Located a stone's throw from the Canadian border, NorthWoods occasionally gets visitors from Quebec visiting our trails and workshops. Less frequently are we featured in Canadian news and publications! Click below to read a story (Or view the PDF here) in Ottawa Outdoors by two Canadians, Glen and Janet Allingham who helped NorthWoods with the restoration of the Bald Mountain cabin in the fall of 2013. We're grateful to our northern neighbors for helping us out on that damp day and for all Canadian visitors who come to appreciate our little slice of the northern forest.

14 04, 2014

New Summer Corps Initiatives: Springfield MA & Androscoggin River

2016-12-13T19:12:09-05:00April 14th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Highlights, News|

Through NorthWoods’ long standing partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Corps will manage a Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crew in Springfield MA this summer. The crew is based on our proven model of working with local youth on local conservation projects, with the goal of engaging urban youth. The crew will work on a variety of projects in and around the city of Springfield, working in City Parks and at the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge’s new Fannie Stebbins Unit. Crewmembers will participate in environmental [Read More...]

14 04, 2014

Clyde Pond Wood Duck Nesting Box Survey

2016-12-13T19:12:10-05:00April 14th, 2014|Conservation Corps, Forest Stewardship Institute, Highlights, News|

Steve Farrow installing a Wood Duck Box, 2006. Overhunted and near extinction in the early twentieth century, the wood duck population is increasing, however, continued loss of quality habitat remains a threat. In 2005, the NorthWoods Conservation Corps partnered with Great Bay Hydro Corporation to build and install seven wood duck nesting boxes around Clyde Pond in Newport, Vermont as part of Great Bay Hydro Corporation's wildlife habitat improvement efforts. Wood ducks have very specific nesting requirements—flooded woodland or vegetated wetlands—and the undeveloped shoreline of Clyde Pond is ideal. Thanks to financial [Read More...]

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