The NorthWoods Stewardship Center is hiring Sustainable Forestry Interns for a 10 week summer season. Interns will gain experience while working with Forest Stewardship staff on forestry, conservation, habitat management, and landowner outreach projects.
NorthWoods is a non-profit conservation organization serving the communities of northern Vermont and New Hampshire through our Education, Conservation Corps, Conservation Science, and Forest Stewardship programs. Our Charleston, Vermont campus and 1,450 acre demonstration forest are a destination for outdoor recreation, as well as a hub for youth and adult education, sustainable land management, and ecological conservation.
Projects during the 2025 Sustainable Forestry Internship will include:
- Pre-commercial thinning, low-impact timber harvesting and trail work in the NorthWoods Demonstration Forest
- Forest inventory for forest management plans (working with a Vermont Licensed Forester)
- Invasive plant control (under supervision of a Vermont Commercial Pesticide Applicator)
- Firewood processing, and supporting various NorthWoods programs and facilities
- Participation in job education and training, including Game of Logging Levels 1 and 2 (paid training at no cost)
- Reading, mini-research-projects and shared learning with other Forestry Interns
Emphasis will be placed on gaining knowledge and understanding while completing boots-on-the-ground projects, with reading and discussions about silviculture, management goals/decisions, and forest dynamics. Current forest health priorities will be addressed, with a focus on climate resilient forest management, ecological forestry principles, and invasive species control. Educational tours, discussions, visits from other professionals and field trips will be included during the work week throughout the season.
For the 2025 season, approximately 50-60% of the internship will be spent in the NorthWoods Demonstration Forest, a 1,500 acre land base is located in Charleston and Morgan, VT, working on small-scale silvicultural firewood/timber harvesting, climate resilience monitoring and trailwork. Other projects during the internship will be completed with private landowners and conservation partners.
Qualified applicants should have basic knowledge of ecology and/or forestry, ability to identify local tree species, and chainsaw training/experience (Game of Logging, US Forest Service or equivalent). For those without chainsaw training, Game of Logging will be offered at no cost during the internship.
This position is very physically demanding and requires extensive outdoor work in varied weather. Applicants must be comfortable with this work environment and able to navigate in the woods with a map/compass and GPS unit.
Above all, a positive attitude, strong work ethic and interest in forest ecology/management are essential!
Preferred qualifications include coursework in forestry, dendrology, ecology, botany and/or environmental science; Wilderness First Aid/First Responder training; and/or other forest management experience. Both academic and non-academic forestry-related experience are considered when reviewing applications.
This internship is designed as a training and learning opportunity. We encourage anyone with interest and enthusiasm to apply, even if you do not have all of the desired qualifications listed above.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: People of every race, color, gender, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, belief system and background are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodation will be made for applicants with disabilities. NorthWoods believes that diversity in our workplace is essential to building vibrant human and natural communities, and strives to provide opportunities for everyone without discrimination.
Employment Period: June 9, 2025 – August 15, 2025 (10 weeks). 40 hrs/week. Occasional weekend work will be required.
Compensation: $17.00/hr paid bi-weekly. A gear stipend of $100 will be provided, half paid in the first week and half paid in the final week of the season. Employment at NorthWoods includes personal use of outdoor equipment, wood shop, and access to gear lending library.
On-campus housing and/or local affordable housing options arranged by NorthWoods may be available; details will be provided during interviews
How to Apply: E-mail a single PDF document containing a cover letter and resume to forestry@northwoodscenter.org
Applications will be accepted until February 17, 2025 or until positions are filled.
Contact: Sam Perron, Director of Forest Stewardship
sam@northwoodscenter.org (802)723-6551 ext 302
PO Box 220, East Charleston, VT 05833
For more information on the Forest Stewardship Institute at NorthWoods, please visit http://www.northwoodscenter.org/wordpress/forest-stewardship-institute-fsi/
Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at NorthWoods:
People of every race, color, gender, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, belief system and background are encouraged to apply. Reasonable accommodation will be made for applicants with disabilities. NorthWoods believes that diversity in our workplace is essential to building vibrant human and natural communities and strives to provide opportunities for everyone without discrimination.
About NorthWoods
NorthWoods Stewardship Center is a non-profit conservation and education organization based in East Charleston, Vermont. We serve the communities of Northern Vermont and New Hampshire, as well as facilitating conservation projects and programs throughout New England. Our main lodge and facilities are part of a 1,500 acre conserved campus and demonstration forest, open to the public, year-round. We achieve our mission to connect people and place through the synergy of four program areas: Environmental Education, the Conservation Corps, Conservation Science, and Forest Stewardship. Learn more about us.